Griffin C. Catallo
Welcome to my website. I am a student, studying at the Broad College of Business at Michigan State University. I am also a member of the Theta Chi fraternity, MSU Chapter and actively pursuing new opportunities in business finance and supply chain management. I hope you have a chance to navigate my information on this website, where I have outlined some of my interests, my family, my hometown, and my resume. I look forward to hearing from you at my contact link below.

My Hometown
I grew up in Rochester, Michigan. The city was named after Rochester, New York. Many early settlers were from New York and New England area.
The Graham Family settled first in Rochester in 1817. This has become a quaint but growing city that is known for its beautiful rivers, parks, cider mills, and families dedicated to building community.

My Family
I am the youngest in a family of four kids. I have one sister, who is the oldest, and two brothers. My mom and dad met in college and still live in Rochester today, but we also have a home in Nashville, TN, and Fort Myers Beach, Florida.

My Interests
I love to chill with my friends when I am not studying or working. Some of my favorite things to do are play golf, go fishing and watch sporting events.